Sant Joan – St John’s Eve

On 24th of June the commemoration day for St. John is held. This day is also connected to the summer solstice. In the night before – one of the shortest nights of the year – many cultural groups celebrate it. In Catalunya there are many customs (e.g. the sweet Coca bread, fires, fireworks) which are used by the citizens and tourists as an excuse to celebrate heavily at the beaches.

At many places in the city open fires are lit up and the Correfocs (catalan for fire walkers) show their costumed fire performance.

At all city beaches massive fireworks are started and you will find many people with lots of alcohol. In this night drinking at the beaches and starting fireworks is permitted. Sant Joan somehow is the biggest city-wide party of the year in Barcelona.

For those who are scared of fireworks and huge amounts of people: stay home for sure. Most people will go to the beaches at night. The party is everwhere and packed. According to this public transport is packed, too (Cab’s will cost more than usual).

For the brave among you it will be a good party for sure 🙂

Attention! People do not handle fireworks as instructed – take care. Pickpockets are also opening backpacks while you walk (no joke, experience!). Public transport (Metro, Busses) are packed – plan your return trip well.