Montjuic de Nit

The event ‘Montjuic de Nit‘ (Montjuic at Night) is by now established as an annual highlight of Barcelona and invites you to celebrate at many stages around the popular mountain Montjuic one night long.

Besides offering a variety of live music (Hiphop, Techno, Jazz, Blues, Flamenco, Rumba Catalana and more) you will also find the museums around Montjuic open for public. A free bus shuttle of the TMB is commuting between the many events. This night is definately a must go!

The free shuttle busses are too packed at peak times and people are squeezing themselves into them – take care entering the busses.

Everything Barcenlona – Montjuic de Nit 2012

Offizielle Trailer Montjuic de Nit 2012